About Us
KLT Limited your Unique Office Supplier
Today, more than ever, clients want their office environments to not only be productive, but a reflection of their brand image as well.
"A Well Designed workspace is where employee want to come, want to work, and want to be" KLT Limited is a team offers support from the start of the project to after-sales service. With professional project management, we can help you, for instance to minimise your office space or enhance the image of your company as an attractive workplace. The basic service comprises a complete package.
Modern Trend | Vintage Classic

KLT 與市面上的訂造服務最大分別是我們了解辦公室設計策劃、工程的需求,客人可完全了解由確認構圖至生產及送貨的整個過程,如客人在過程中遇上任何問題可隨時向KLT專員提出。另外,服務亦保證準時完成,如有任何延誤,會作出補償。
. 獨特的家具設計,配合整體的品牌形象
. 1年的結構保養
. 無論是圖紙確認、生產期、檢測及包裝、預約送貨日期、確定送貨日期等各個步驟都於訂單確定日一目了然
. 100%品質保證,微甲醛板材提供微甲醛 E0 板材選擇,讓您住得健康又放心
. 特別加裝靜音防塵門邊,為您提供整潔的儲物空間及寧靜的環境櫃身內的排孔由電腦定位,以確保層板能準確地安裝在櫃內
我們能靈活地為客戶提供設計和生產定製傢俱的服務。 我們將根據不同的需求調整傢俱,使每個客戶的願景得以實現。