Design Kenco 自己的設計理念概括為"立體坐具設計思維"。 "立體坐具設計思維"是由其原創地提出的一種設計理念,即:"轉換空間立體的結構理念融入到辦公椅設計思維"。辦公設計 是為了滿足人在工作環境中舒適的一種生活需求,而非打破空間的格局或提供不良的感受反饋。因此,好的辦公設計必須以人為本,注重人在工作中的動作細節,符合使用中的不同坐姿習慣。以空間立體的理念,把人與環境結合在一體進行思考,探究回歸人體最舒適的感受,是當代辦公工業設計中追求完美和諧的超前創新思維。
Designer Kenco summarized his design concept as "three-dimensional seat design thinking". "Three-dimensional seat design thinking" is a design concept originally proposed by it, namely: "Convert the three-dimensional structure concept of space into office chair design thinking". The design of the office chair is to meet the life needs of people to ride comfortably in the working environment, not to break the space pattern or provide bad feeling feedback. Therefore, a good office chair design must be people-oriented, focusing on the details of people's movements at work, in line with the different sitting habits in use.